If you request a refund before we start working on your project, a 100% of your payment will be refunded. You may ask for a refund if you are not a 100% satisfied with your purchased Services. In such scenarios, we will refund all the balance payment of your order 100%. However, if you have a specific complaint and need a Revise a work, you may send us a revision request and we will revisons accordingly.
We provide 100% guaranteed and unlimited revision. Customers can ask us for unlimited free revisions. Should the number of pages exceed, appropriate charges would then be applicable. In order to receive free revision, customers are required to request for a revision within 20 days of the reference paper delivery date. However in case of large order, the timeline exceeds up to 45 days. If the revision request falls within these guidelines we will revise the order to meet the customer's initial requirements free of charge.
Once the above-mentioned timeline has passed it shall be assumed that the customer is satisfied.
Any revision request sent by customer for plagiarism within the reference paper provided must be accompanied by a detailed report for the plagiarism. All revision requests pertaining to customers order will be completed as per the urgency of the order with 24 hours as standard minimum turnaround time.
Revision turnaround time as per urgency is as follows:
For orders up to 24 hours of urgency; Revision turnaround time would be 24 hours.
According to our policy If you cease the deal with us, and later if you find a competitive price from our competitors or any other writing company in the market you are not eligible for a refund.
For orders between 24-48 hours of urgency; Revision turnaround time would be 48 hours.
For orders of 48 hours and above; Revision turnaround time would be 72 hours.